“I first met Laura just after I’d left high school when I studied a Certificate II in musical theatre at WAAPA, the kindness, professionalism, and assistance she gave me in developing my skills and abilities during the course was amazing. I then worked in the hospitality industry and had a break from my vocal training for several years. Over the past year (2021) I had the time and ability to devote myself fully to studying again. Thanks to Laura’s help and support I have been able to learn a broad range of classical repertoire this year; from Italian and Spanish to French and German. This culminated in successfully applying and enrolling in a Bachelor of Music at UWA starting 2022. Laura is a genuine, caring, and supportive teacher with a good sense of humour, whose patience and compassion with me has made my time spent with her unforgettable. Wherever I go or whatever I do within the music industry, it’s nice to know that I was lucky enough to get a “Twice in a lifetime” opportunity.”
Glen Bain
Certificate II in Musical Theatre (2013)
Bachelor Of Music UWA (2022-2024)