Making ATAR Recital Songs Fun

Dec 28, 2021 | News, Testimonials

“I began my voice journey with Laura in 2020 when I began ATAR music, and from day one have loved every second that I have spent under Laura’s guidance. Laura has become a close friend of mine; her warmth, compassion, and encouragement make it easy to open up and feel safe and welcome in her studio. Laura’s expertise, professionalism, and care made the demanding work of the ATAR music curriculum, enjoyable and fun; and many lessons were spent finetuning my program for ATAR music. In the past two years, my vocal ability has improved drastically, which is a testament to Laura’s dynamic and engaging teaching methods. Laura makes sure lessons are a safe space to make mistakes and step out of one’s comfort zone, whilst always promoting a love and passion for music. Laura is an incredible vocalist, musician, and performer and I am constantly in awe of her hard work and dedication to her voice! She has allowed me to be authentically ‘me’ in lessons, always offering amazing wisdom-related and unrelated to music, which reflects her deep care for her students. 

Whilst for my ATAR music I sang in the genre of music theatre- Laura also introduced me to the world of classical art song (music set to poetry from all cultures and languages) which has greatly expanded my vocal versatility and range. I am really excited to be accepted into the Diploma of Music for Classical Voice at WAAPA and can’t wait to study this course next year!  Laura has taught me many things and has provided incredible guidance to help me develop my voice, but most importantly Laura has sparked my passion for performing and encouraged me to pursue my dreams, however wild they are! 

Thank you Laura!!”

Isabella Pether (age 17)
ATAR Music Theatre Student 2021
WAAPA Diploma of Classical Voice 2022